3 Simple Yoga Poses to Try at Home

Looking to try out a few yoga poses at home? Here are some simple asanas (yoga positions) you can try out in your kitchen, the garden, on your bed(!)- wherever you fancy. Discover how to do Downward Facing Dog, Mountain Pose, and our favourite, Child's Pose with our easy tutorials. 

What does Asana mean in Yoga?

Asana is the physical practice of yoga and relates to the body. It’s also another name for the poses or postures of yoga, and widely translated as "seat". Traditions vary from static transitions to flowing transitions.

In static asana, students come out of a position usually in reverse to the way they went in. In flowing asana, students move into the next related asana, which should generally feel like a natural progression. Below, I’ll introduce you to 3 of the most commonly used asanas within a yoga class. Give it a go!

Yoga Pose Examples

 1. Downward Dog // Adho Mukha Svanasana


Probably one of the most widely recognised yoga poses: Downward Facing Dog. It is great for increasing flexibility in the calves, hamstrings, and shoulders. It also strengthens the muscles of the arms and upper back and increases the blood flow to the brain. 

 1. Kneel on all fours with the knees under the hips, hip-distance apart. Spread the hands out underneath the shoulders, star-fishing your fingers on the mat. 

2. Inhale to lift the hips upwards, straightening the legs, and pressing the heels back and down. The heels don't have to touch the ground! And you can definitely have a little bend in the knees to support yourself here.

3. Exhale to press the palms into the floor, allowing the chest to move towards the thighs (without flaring the ribs- keep the core engaged). 

4. Make sure your fingers are flat (to take some pressure off of your wrists), and ensure there's space between the shoulder blades (so you're not collapsing into them). 

5. Breathe!


2. Mountain Pose // Tadasana


Tadasana might seem easier than easy but, in my opinion, it's one of the most important, if not the most important positions in a yogasana practice. This is where everything comes together. All the asanas you do contribute to a better posture. And where do we use that posture? In our daily lives, when we stand in the kitchen, sit at our desk in the office, or when we’re having a drink in the local pub(!). 

 1. Stand on the mat with your feet parallel and hip-width apart. 

2. Lengthen and spread the toes to engage and lift the foot arches.

3. Elongate the spine, maintaining a natural curve. Think about lifting the crown of your head towards the ceiling. 

4. Place your arms by your sides, palms facing forward.

5. Make sure your shoulders are relaxed by sliding the shoulder blades down the back and easing the ears away from the neck. 

6. Draw the chin slightly towards the throat to allow the back of the neck to lengthen.


3. Childs Pose // Balasana


Childs pose is a lovely asana to do after your downward dog, as it counter-stretches your back and shoulders. It stretches your spine, thighs, hips, and ankles, and gives the hands and wrists a breather. 

1. Adopt a kneeling position with your bum placed on your heels. You can prop the pelvis up with a pillow or place a brick between the feet to elevate the hips, if there is discomfort in the knees or feet. 

2. Inhale to lengthen the spine.

3. Exhale and fold forwards from the hips and rest the head on the floor.

4. Place the arms by the sides of the body or in front of you- whatever feels best for your shoulders.

5. Again, breathe! Asana is a breath-led practice.


Daphne Genee is a Third Eye Yoga ambassador from the Netherlands and started her yoga journey years ago alongside her professional dance training. Nowadays, Daphne teaches private and group classes in London where she’s based. Besides yoga and dance Daphne is interested in psychology which she likes to incorporate in her yoga classes. May you wish to get in contact simply message her on instagram @yoga_with_daphne.