What is Sacred Geometry?

What is Sacred Geometry? 

You may have knowingly come across Sacred Geometry in various holistic practices or on wellness merchandise, but have you ever stopped and noticed the sacred geometric patterns present all around us? Questioned the deeper meaning behind these marks and symbols? Or simply felt that there was more to something than first meets the eye?
This article explores the significance of Sacred Geometry and how connecting with these powerful shapes and signs can help us become more connected with the world and our inner selves. 

Why is Sacred Geometry Important? 

Sacred Geometry is the study of the spiritual significance of various shapes. You can apply it to forms, numbers, and patterns, and discover it anywhere from within the swirl on a snail shell to undulating river ripples.
Many ancient teachings view Sacred Geometry as the origin of all forms or the energy patterns that not only create but unify all things. "Rooted in its nature,” explains Jemma Foster, author of Sacred Geometry: How To Use Cosmic Patterns To Power Up Your Life, “is the understanding that nothing is in isolation; everything is connected."
Some say that every natural growth pattern or movement comes back to one or more archetypal geometric shapes; the molecules in our DNA, snowflakes, even the air we breathe, are all borne from geometric codes.

What created Sacred Geometry? 

Throughout history, many great philosophers and thinkers have proposed that God created the universe according to a geometric plan. The Greek-Roman philosopher Plutarch, for example, claimed that Plato said: “God geometrizes eternally.” Contemporaries have adapted this claim; mathematician Carl Friedrich Gauss said “God arithmetises”, while astronomer Johannes Kepler viewed geometry as the basis of the cosmos. 
The origins of Sacred Geometry appear to trace back to 2000 BCE-1001 BCE in Egyptian and Mesopotamian cultures- appearing in architecture and art as a means of religious and cultural expression. However, we are yet to discover any definite conception. 
Sacred Geometry has germinated across many lineages, so no single philosopher, culture, or religion can claim it as its own. Perhaps the best way to decipher where it began is to simply observe the shapes and symbols that make up our day-to-day life and see what magical formations arise.

Significant Sacred Geometrical Patterns 

Etymologically, the term geometry combines the Greek words geos and metron, meaning earth and to measure. Geometry, therefore, refers to the study of all mathematical formulas. Now, don't be put off by the mention of maths. Certain symbols, such as the lotus blossoming from muddy waters, contain universal relevance and significance. Let’s explore some of the most influential geometric shapes for personal transformation and getting closer to the divine.


Arguably the most recognisable symbol on the planet, Hamsa is one of the oldest encountered symbols in history, dating back several thousands of years. Many recognise Hamsa, often referred to as the Hand of Fatima, as the hand that wards off evil. The protective phrase ‘Hamsa, Hamsa’ actually loosely translates to the English touch wood. This understanding is somewhat contemporary, though; the symbol has roots in earlier Jewish and Islamic faiths. 
Many scholars believe that the Hamsa sign originally comes from Mesopotamia and Carthage, where it was employed as a talisman to repel the evil eye, a global concept appearing in a wide range of cultures and religions. 
The position of the Hamsa hand can change the meaning of the symbol. For example, a Hamsa facing down can symbolise abundance and fertility, inviting good into your life. A Hamsa facing upwards, however, is often viewed as a protective force against anything with malicious intent. It can also be used this way to dispel hostile thoughts and feelings, such as greed or hatred.

Flower of Life 

Another recognisable symbol is The Flower Of Life, the symbol of creation. This complex structure is formed from multiple circles of equal size, stretching out from a fixed centre, perfectly placed in an overlapping design.
It is widely said that The Flower of Life represents the source of all things, demonstrated by the oracular circle at the centre of the pattern. As a symbol of reconnecting with the universe, it also signifies the circular nature of all things, making it a key for unlocking deep inner and worldly wisdom.

Metatron’s Cube

The highly complex and mystical Metatron's Cube has influenced cultures for centuries and is believed to possess all the geometric shapes and patterns in existence. The cube contains all five Platonic Solids, signifying not just the geometric patterns found throughout the Universe but the creation of all things. Ancient civilisations worshipped the symbol as holding the key to the inner knowledge of the divine, using it - as a guardian of heavenly secrets - for guidance, healing, and protection.  
Furthermore, all the lines and shapes in Metatron’s Cube are indissolubly connected. Many cultures believe the cube symbolises the harmony and interconnectedness of all things, no matter how small. Our latest mat designs contain Metatron’s cube, offering both visual stimulations for the mind and powerful shapes to explore with your body as you flow. 

Why do we use Sacred Geometry on our mats? 

At Third Eye Yoga Co, we’re inspired by esoteric practices and how powerful Sacred Geometry is as a tool to stimulate and transcend levels of consciousness. 
Aesthetically, we use sacred geometric patterns to create a canvas for bodily exploration.
Mathematically, all the shape ratios are in perfect alignment to help practitioners guide their placement, transitions, and balance on the mat. Spiritually, though, the alignment we achieve in yoga goes way beyond any physical aims. Each posture has been organised according to Sacred Geometry (as it exists within the Universe), inviting internal and external symmetry, connection, and equilibrium. 

Meditation Practices You Can Try 

As many of the patterns and symbols hold specific meanings, they can be great focal points for meditation and other holistic practices. When approached mindfully and with intent, these energetic emblems can be used to bring about healing, harmony, and balance. 

Sacred Geometry Meditations 

If you are visually oriented, meditating on Sacred Geometry might be more helpful than focusing on the breath or observing your thoughts. Yantras are symbolic geometric diagrams, often composed of sacred geometric shapes. These images can be used to direct your meditation, keep you present, and, maybe, bring you closer to the divine within you. 
Sacred Geometric meditations are great for exploring the concept of one-pointedness- lengthily explored in the yoga scriptures and by Southeast Asian sages throughout history. 
The attainment of one-pointedness of the mind and the senses is the best of practices. It is superior to all other Dharmas and practices. —Upadesha Sahasri 17:24
To experience one-pointedness, use your chosen symbol as your point of meditation. You might focus on the image with your eyes open, breathing steadily, as you hold your gaze on your object of meditation.
Alternatively, you can close your eyes and use your mind's eye to trace the shape of your Yantra around your body, enveloping yourself in metaphysical oneness. 


Sacred geometric symbols can bring into focus subtle, inner realities. Crystals or talismans engraved with sacred symbols can outwardly manifest these powers and offer yet another tool of meditation. 
Some might choose to carry these symbols or talismans with them as reminders to come back to their breath, to look for the beauty in the world around them, and to feel safe. Others might have them close their hearts (worn as necklaces) to invite healing, or hung above mantle pieces to invoke harmony and calming energies in a certain space. 

Mandala Yoga 

In yoga, a mandala is a visual tool for meditational purposes and connecting practitioners with the divine. Mandala Yoga draws upon the powers of Sacred Geometry to choreograph dynamic sequences that move you in circular patterns, mirroring the shape of a mandala. In this way, by practising Mandala, we embody the interconnectivity and wholeness hidden within Sacred Geometry, inviting creativity and deeper self-awareness.  
Explore our range of geometric yoga accessories and unique yoga mats here.
Sophie Heatley (she/her) is a Content Writer and Yoga Instructor based in London. She has been teaching at various studios, on retreat, and online since 2018. On the side, she creates online and editorial content for a variety of clients within diverse industries, from the arts, to wellness, to financial law. Discover where she's teaching and what she's writing by following her on social media @sophieheatley_