What Does It Mean to Open Your Third Eye?

In a previous blog post, we discussed the Third Eye. Now that we know a little more about the origins of the Third Eye and its hidden powers, it's time to explore how to open it. 

What is the purpose of the Third Eye? 

In case you forgot, your Third Eye is an energy centre - or Chakra - located just above the eyebrows. This Chakra is linked to perception, awareness, and spiritual communication. 

The Third Eye resides in the same place as the pineal gland - a small, pea-shaped gland in the brain associated with releasing hormones such as melatonin. We require melatonin to regulate our sleep cycle. Some say the name Third Eye comes from the pineal gland's ability to let in light and darkness - just as our eyes do. 

Yup. The neuroendocrine organ contains light-sensitive cells that control our circadian rhythm - hence the many references to the Third Eye as 'the seat of awareness and perception'. Neat, huh? 

What do you see when your Third Eye opens?

Great question. Tricky to answer. Unlike your actual eyes, you can’t just blink them open. It necessitates a lot of inner work.

Many Yogic and Southeast Asian Philosophies emphasise the need to open and harmonise all your other Chakras before opening the Third Eye. This is necessary to establish a spiritual and emotional foundation to handle higher consciousness. Imagine if you woke up one day and suddenly understood as much as Gandhi about the world without having done any of the work. You’d be totally overwhelmed. 

You see, the Chakras work together, opening and closing like valves to allow energy - prana - to move up and down energy channels - nadis - to balance our internal realms. If the Chakras preceding the Third Eye aren’t sufficiently opened or healed, jumping ahead to the Third Eye could be destabilising. 

Basically, this isn’t really something you can do in an afternoon. It’s a life-long practice. There are some things you can try to get a little closer to opening your Third Eye, though. Let’s take a peek. 

How To Open Your Third Eye? 

Third Eye Meditations 

Looking to open your third eye and/or simply create some inner space? Try meditating on the Third Eye. Find a comfortable position where you can breathe freely, close your eyes, and then see if you can focus your attention on the point between the brows. Be patient, go slow, and observe any images, thoughts, or feelings. See if you can do this for 10 to 20 minutes. 

Our Third Eye Yoga Mats use sacred geometric patterns to facilitate meditation during your yoga practice. 


Interestingly, chanting causes the tetrahedron bone in the nose to resonate, stimulating the pineal gland. So when you sing or chant, you’re literally awakening your Third Eye. 

Chanting mantras - sacred utterances, words, or sound vibrations to focus our thoughts, feelings, and intentions - can contribute to cultivating awareness and deep connection, strongly associated with the Third Eye. 

Essential Oils and Self-Massage 

Calm-inducing scents like lavender, sandalwood, frankincense, or pine can gently stimulate the pineal gland. You can use them in the bath or a diffuser as part of a self-care ritual or gently massage oils into and around the Third Eye space. 


Tapping or Emotional Freedom Technique is a proven method of dealing with stress and anxiety. It is also a great and accessible strategy for activating your pineal and pituitary glands by sending light waves of vibration - and, therefore, stimulating your Third Eye. Wanna try? Gently tap your fingertips on the forehead to your own rhythm. 


Many turn to crystals for their healing energy. During meditation, you could gently press your crystal against the space between your eyebrows to draw awareness and sensation to the Third Eye space. 

Ready to go on a journey? Roll out your Yoga Mat and give them a try. 


Sophie Heatley (she/her) is a Content Writer and Yoga Instructor based in London. She has been teaching at various studios, on retreat, and online since 2018. On the side, she creates online and editorial content for a variety of clients within diverse industries, from the arts, to wellness, to financial law. Discover where she's teaching and what she's writing by following her on social media @sophieheatley_