What is the Third Eye?

Have you ever had a hunch about something? Or a feeling in your gut that was so strong you simply couldn’t ignore it? Not like last night’s curry talking, but like a sixth sense? Some say that’s your Third Eye communicating.  

What are the Chakras?

To understand what a Third Eye is, we should start by explaining what the Chakras are. In Eastern philosophies, the Chakras (pronounced with a cha, like a cha-cha, not a shh sound) are powerful energetic centres within the body that affect our spiritual health and wellbeing. 

In other words, on top of our physical and emotional parts of the body, there are more subtle, energetic elements too. 

There are seven key Chakras (although some believe there are as many as 114) starting at the base of your spine and extending to the crown of your head.

Although there’s no science behind the Chakras, they do correspond to certain nerve bundles and major organs. We’ll break down the benefits, signs, and symbols of each individual Chakra soon (watch this space), but for now, let’s stick to the Third Eye.

What is your Third Eye?  

Your Third Eye is the bearer of intuition, linked to perception, awareness, and spiritual communication. 

Your Ajna Chakra, in Sanskrit, is known as “the seat of intuition.” Translations of the Sanskrit name include, “perceive,” “beyond wisdom,” and even “command.” 

You can locate your Third Eye right in the middle of your forehead, just between your eyebrows. This is the centre of higher consciousness and, many believe, our strongest connection to the Divine. The Third Eye can be an incredibly powerful tool when stimulated, most notably because it helps us release and hear our inner voice. 

It masters our ability to see the bigger picture, if you like, and connect to our intuition. Essential for fostering clarity and nurturing a life of ease and harmony, rather than disconnect and ego. 

Exploring the Third Eye

The Third Eye is represented by the colour indigo and its symbol consists of two lotus petals, a downward-facing triangle (which stands for enlightenment), and the seed mantra Om in the centre.

The Third Eye element is light, and the stone most often associated with this Chakra is Amethyst. 

The Chakra is often referred to in Asana practice (that’s the physical side of yoga) as a focal point. For example, your teacher might tell you to gaze upon your Third Eye, broadening your aperture and softening your vision to help relax the mind. 

There are many ways you can physically activate the Third Eye. One way is by coming into Child's Pose (rest your forehead on the ground in a kneeling fold). You can also try this: close your eyes, take your peace fingers, and softly press them against the space between your eyebrows. There is a subtle pressure point here, so adding a tender touch can help relieve tension, opening up space for us to see more clearly. 

If you’d like to learn more about activating your Third Eye, keep an eye out for upcoming blog posts on awakening our Chakras... 


Sophie Heatley (she/her) is a Content Writer and Yoga Instructor based in London. She has been teaching at various studios, on retreat, and online since 2018. On the side, she creates online and editorial content for a variety of clients within diverse industries, from the arts, to wellness, to financial law. Discover where she's teaching and what she's writing by following her on social media @sophieheatley_